About CEO/Director
B.Sc,MSc(Chem),Registered Scientist(RSci),MRSC
Additionally: M.A English,Diploma in Media art
Experience in research : More than 4 years of experience
Research highlights
Functional Materials; Coatings; Materials Chemistry; Chromogenic Materials; Nanoparticle Synthesis;
Ceramic & Composite; Sol-Gel; Energy; Phytochemicals; Interdisciplinary Research
Certificate of Achievements
2021 Android App development-IIT Kharagpur
2018 Introduction to Process Modelling in the Membrane Separation Process(Indian Institute of Technology(IIT),Kharagpur), (Elite certificate); Metal Mediated Synthesis-I (IIT,Bombay) India
2009 Computer hardware servicing (Indo-Canada),Alagappa Polytechnic College, Karaikudi(TN),India
2006-2007 DTP-Desktop Publishing, MS office, Mobile phone servicing(Indo-Canada),Alagappa Polytechnic College, Karaikudi (TN),India; MS-Office, DTP( Desktop publishing)
German(Deutsch)-A1,A2,B1(Sprechen)-Goethe Institute and C level in University of Potsdam, Germany
2018 & 2024 Germany- German language course ; Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Luxembourg for meetings.
2017 Singapore -For presentation and as tourist
2009 Germany -Studied at "Mittle Schule Waldheim” Saxony- Three Months, Switzerland and France
2021-Present Tamil Nadu Traders Welfare Board, Tamil Nadu, India
2022-Present Student member-German Chemical Society (GDCh), Frankfurt, Germany
American Chemical Society(ACS),Washington,D.C
2021-Present Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC),UK
2017 Associate member of Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC),UK
2024 Registered Scientist (RSci) in Science Council and Royal Society of Chemistry,UK
2022 Excellence in peer-reviewing award from Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology and Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
2016-2017 First prize for proficiency in Moral Instruction in M.Sc.Chemistry
2017 Prizes in intradepartmental competitions
2022 Partial scholarship to participate in scientific conferences from GDCh,
2021 Chemists’ Community Fund-Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
National Qualified exams
2021 PhD entrance exam in Chemistry
2013 NEET-UG Medical entrance
2013 Came under Common merit list JEE-Joint Entrance Exam (Main)
Certificate courses Indian Institute of Food Processing and Technology (IIFPT), Now, National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management, Thanjavur (NIFTEM-T), Thanjavur, TN, India
2018 Packaging of bakery products at IIFPT
Processing of masala powders at IIFPT
Preparation of bread and bread related products at IIFPT
Value addition of tomato at IIFPT
Extracurricular activities
JUDO Learned in Germany
NCC-National Cadet Crops(Certificate-A)
Volleyball Regional Player TN
Mimicry as Cine actors
Conferences and meetings
Bauen+Wohnen expo program, Salzburg, Austria(In-person)
GOVSATCOM conference 2024, European Convention Center, Luxembourg(In-person)
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Approaches for Tumor Detection via Imaging Data organized by ACS Science Talks 1 December
Controls of surface structures and molecular orientations in thin film for organic electronics organized by ACS Science Talks September 1
Innovating for the future of sustainable labs organized by Chemistry World Webinars September 21
Cutting-edge cosmetics: innovating for sustainability with machine learning & molecular simulations organized by Chemistry World Webinars Schrödinger June 28
Energy Literacy Training organized by Energy Swaraj Foundation and CSIR-NIIST April 11
RSC-IITM Desktop Seminar on Environmental Sciences organized by RSC Publishing Webinars October 12
Declutter your data: optimise your way to the best digital process chemistry workflow, organized by Chemistry World Webinar PerkinElmer Informatics July 7
RSC Molecular Spectroscopy Group Online Seminar Series June 2022 organized by Networks Meetings, RSC interest group molecular spectroscopy June 23
RSC desktop seminar-Hosted by Environmental science: Advances organized by RSC publishing webinars on June 1
Speed up process development by making more from offline and online data organized by Chemistry world webinars JMP May 31
Resolving absolute stereochemistry in early drug discovery with VCD organized by Chemistry world webinars Schrödinger on May 26
RSC-IISER desktop seminar with Dalton transactions organized by RSC publishing webinars on May 12
Understanding peer review and how it works organized by Taylor and francis group F1000 on April 6
RSC Molecular spectroscopy group seminar series organized by Networks meetings March 15
Indian Analytical Science Congress 2022 organized by The Indian Society of Analytical Scientists on March 10-12, Munnar, Kerala
Innovation Summit 2022 stay ahead with the new GC and GCMS technology organized by ThermoFischer scientific on March 8
RSC desktop seminar-Hosted by Environmental science: Advances organized by RSC publishing webinars on February 24
Publishing your research open access organized by Taylor and francis group on January 19
RSC desktop seminar series with RSC Medicinal chemistry & RSC-BMCS organized by RSC publishing webinars on January 12
ChemSci2021: Leaders in the field symposium organized by RSC publishing webinars on 15 December
RSC-IIT Desktop Seminar with JMC-A organized by RSC publishing webinars on 28 October
2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Posters, presented a poster titled ‘Ceria based Titania mixed oxide polyurethane coating for anticorrosion, hydrophobic properties on metal surface and its applications’(Energy and Materials-P30) organized by Commonwealth chemistry Federation of Chemical sciences societies on 30 September to 1 October
“Biomedical summer school Dresden 2021”, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany organized by Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering and the Mildred Scheel Early Career Center Dresden on September 21 to 23
Wiley “Attracting grants and funds for research” organized by Wiley team on September 14
Chemistry world, Waters “Discover the possibilities with the new multi-sample Discovery X3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter” organized by RSC publishing webinars on September 2
Wiley “Conquering the intricacies of citations and references” organized by Research marketing APAC on August 14
Wiley “Presenting numbers and quantities with precision and style” organized by Research marketing APAC on August 17
RSC-IISER Desktop seminar with ChemComm organized by RSC publishing webinars on August 6
“Trends in modern hit discovery: How your ultra-large screens can benefit from machine learning” organized by Chemistry world Schrödinger on July 29
RSC ‘’15th International conference on Materials Chemistry (MC15)’’ Online Poster(P107)-12-15 July, Dublin
Annual General meeting Royal Society of Chemistry 2021, UK
‘’Smart Materials and Devices for Electronic Textiles’’ conducted by Materials Research Society, webinar series on June 23
‘’Scientific writing: publishing ethics, effective peer review and increasing research impact’’ conducted by conducted by Taylor & Francis Group and CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR) on June 22
“Minisymposium 2021 on Catalysis under confinement” on May 12, University of Stuttgart
RSC,”Faraday joint interest group conference 2021” Poster(P65)– Online, 29/03/2021 to 31/03/2021, University of Sheffield,UK.
32nd Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry in Eastern England on 29th April 2021 conducted virtually by RSC Interest group Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector (RSC‐BMCS)
RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship with EES (Kyung Byung Yoon and Wooyul Kim) on 27th April 2021 conducted by RSC publishing webinars Energy & Environmental Science
RSC-IISER Desktop Seminar: PCCP on 7th May 2021 conducted by RSC publishing webinars
Molecular modelling for the medicinal chemistry toolkit on 27th May 2021 organized by Schrödinger Chemistry world webinars, RSC
“Innovations in chemical sciences-2020:An International meet for Quality and Quantity”(ICSIMQQ),Division of Chemistry, School of advanced sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT),21st -22nd ,August,Chennai,India.
“A Recent Insight on Intellectual Property Rights in India, USA and Europe”, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, 06th July,Tiruchirappalli,India.
Annual General meeting Royal Society of Chemistry 2020, UK
“International Virtual Conference on Recent Advance in Organic Medicinal and Biological Chemistry” (RAOMBC-2020), Division of Chemistry, School of advanced sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, 8th & 9th July, Chennai,India.
2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (29th November-1st December 2019), ICNAN’19, Title: “Optical and antimicrobial properties of Nano ceria processed via surfactant aided mechanical milling technique” VIT,Vellore,India.
3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(9th -10th December 2019), ICAFM 2019,Title: “Polymer Derived Carbon(PDC) masked ceria coatings for optically transparent hydrophobic surfaces”,CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum.
“4th RSC Twitter Poster Conference”#RSCPoster #RSCMat, March 6th 2018,UK.
“Frontiers in Advanced Materials and their Applications”(FAMA-2018), 9th January 2018,Bishop Heber college,Trichy,India.
“Bioleagues-2nd Global Summit on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems” on 29th & 30th of June, 2017, Holiday Inn Atrium, Singapore. https://www.bioleagues.com/past/2nd-pharma.php
“Regional level Workshop on Perspective of Chemical Research”on 6th December 2017, Bishop Heber college,Trichy,India
“International Conference on Chemistry for Renewable Energy” (ICCRE 2016) on 25-26th February,Bishop Heber College,Trichy,India.
“International Conference on Chemistry in Synergy with Materials and Biology”
(ICMB- 2014) on 10th and 11th January,Bishop Heber College,Trichy,India.
Conference Presentations/Abstract book
Oral and poster presentation(In-person)- Young Chemists Summit, Salzburg, “Rare earth based smart materials and their innovative applications”, Austria, 2024
Oral Presentation (Online) - 28. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry, Düsseldorf “Fluorescence behaviour of rare earth mixed oxide nanomaterial” (Photochemistry of New Materials), organized by German Chemical Society(GDCh) on September 19-21,Germany,2022.
Poster Presentation (Online)-2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Posters, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), “Ceria based Titania mixed oxide polyurethane coating for anticorrosion, hydrophobic properties on metal surface and its applications” (Energy and Materials-P30), organized by Commonwealth chemistry Federation of Chemical sciences societies, UK, 2021.
Poster Presentation(Online)-15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Book of Poster abstracts, “Strontium doped rare earth mixed oxide silicate, a strong green luminescent material for sensing applications” Theme: Design and development, Page number:P107 © The Author(s), UK, 2021.
Poster Presentation(Online)-Faraday joint interest group conference 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Book of Abstracts, “A novel green pollution free aluminium-air battery, UK, 2021.
Poster Presentation(In-Person)-3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials(ICAFM 2019) abstract book, “Polymer Derived Carbon(PDC) masked ceria coatings for optically transparent hydrophobic surfaces” (P36), Page number:136,India, 2019.
Oral presentation(In-Person)-2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ICNAN 2019), Conference Proceedings of ICNAN’19, “Optical and Anti-Microbial Properties of Nano Ceria Processed Via Surfactant Aided Mechanical Milling Technique” India, 2019.
Poster presentation(In-Person)-Frontiers in Advanced Materials and their Applications (FAMA-2018), abstract book, “Biogenic synthesis and characterization of Nickel Nanoparticles using Pleurotus Ostreatus”, India,2018.
Oral presentation(In-Person) -2nd Global Summit on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems (GSPDDS – 2017) Proceedings, “A Short Review on The Effect of Functional Group in Methylxanthine (Caffeine) Class of Drugs”, Singapore, 2017 https://www.bioleagues.com/past/2nd-pharma.php-
Springer Nature, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42250-023-00646-y.
Ceramics International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.07.113.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Page.191 199,DOI: 10.9734/jpri/2021/v33i29A31578.
Biochemistry and Pharmacology: open access (Los Angel) 7: 257. DOI: 10.4172/2167-0501.1000257.
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